

Welcome to the Southwest Elementary School Counseling page! My name is Jayne Hain and I am honored to work as the school counselor at Southwest! I have been the school counselor here from 1996-2000 and 2009- present. I love working with the Southwest students. As a school counselor, I support the students through our three domains: assisting their personal/social needs, guiding their academic needs, and teaching career awareness. I do this through classroom guidance lessons, small group counseling, individual counseling, and working with families to connect them to the services or outside agencies that can help their students.

It has been a privilege for me to work with the students of Southwest. I thoroughly enjoy teaching them classroom guidance lessons such as conflict resolution, how to stop bullying, how to show manners and respect, empathy, listening skills, and career education. I have also enjoyed getting to know their different personalities as I speak with them and counsel them. They are a wonderful group of children. I also assist students academically though the Student Support Team if a student is experiencing difficulty with their academics or behavior. One of my other responsibilities is to assist in the learning support process by helping to identify students who could receive academic or behavioral help.

As a counselor, I would be remiss if I didn't add the importance of excellent school attendance! Studies have shown that students learn more and do better academically when they attend school regularly. The Baltimore Education Research Consortium suggests that “students with low attendance in both Pre-K and Kindergarten, often continue to have low attendance; are more likely to be retained by grade 3, and on average have lower academic outcomes than peers with better attendance.” Good attendance is important (less than 10 days absent a year). It is my job to work with the families of Southwest towards better attendance for all.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at (717) 675-2173 ext. 3 or email me at [email protected]. Thank you!


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